Thursday, January 3, 2008

We all have a purpose... The trick is to figure it out.

We spend a lot of time in life trying to contribute to it. I believe the best way to do that is to really get to know yourself, your values, likes, drivers, dislikes, skills, talents and visions. Set expectations for yourself and then search for opportunities to demonstrate who you are. It's all about being nice/helpful to others, it is NOT about you... What matters most is not what you do in life, but how and how many others you positively impact along the way. When's it's time to move on to the next 'stage', you will be remembered most for how you impacted others and how you made them feel (hopefully good), not for what you looked like, how much you gathered or accomplished.

I see so many people lost in life because they've never taken the time to get to know themselves. How can you possibly help others if you don't know what you're good at or like to do? How can you possibly bring peace to the world if you haven't made peace with yourself? The world will get better and increase in value, one thought, one action, one person at a time. We need to start a chain-reaction of positive impact and it all starts within us. My goal has always been to find the good in others and to help where/when I can. I feel better and hopefully, others feel better too. It spreads lke wildfire and like many other things in life, only gets better by sharing.

No matter how difficult life can be, in truth, it can always be worse, so be grateful for your present situation and seek out ways to learn from it. Give of yourself to others and look at each person you meet as another opportunity to learn and to give, not to take or look down upon.